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We currently have 3 locations!  

Production is located at 170 Mountainway Drive #107 Orem, UT 84058, (801) 691-0060. This is where you mail your film to be processed. You also can drop off your film orders in person here as well.  It is where all negatives are archived and shipped from. If you reach us after hours, there is a dropbox outside of #107 where you can safely drop off any orders.  Please have your order number written down and included in the bag of film you drop off.  Film, cameras, swag or any phyisical item can not be purchased in person from this location.

The Analog Community Center is located at 187 W Center St Provo, UT 84601, (801)-436-5533. Here you can drop off film, purchase all film, purchase cameras, drop off camera repairs, etc. If it is closer for you to drop off at Orem, you can do so there as well.  Film processing orders should NOT be mailed here. You can also rent dark room or studio time here as well. 

Our Salt Lake City location is located at 435 W 400 S #103 Salt Lake City, UT 84101, (801)-604-3880. You can drop off film orders here as well. We will be fully up and running developing and scanning by March 24th 2025. Until then, you can drop off film, purchase film purchase cameras, drop off camera repairs and rent our studio by the hour. 


Orem - Monday through Friday 9am-5pm
Provo - Monday through Friday 1pm-6pm
& Saturday 10am-6pm
Salt Lake City - Mon/Tues/Thurs 12pm-6pm

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The day an order arrives to the lab is considered day zero in the calculation of turnaround time. Turnaround times may be affected by scheduled lab closures and prices are subject to change without
notice. Rush requests are subject to availability and will be charged accordingly. Same-day rushes requested after noon Mountain Time may be subject to a change fee.

Submitting any film to us for processing, scanning, printing or shipping is an agreement that any loss or damage to products by theFINDlab employee or agents, even by negligence or other fault, will entitle the client to a replacement of the roll with a similar quantity and film stock, as well as processing of those rolls. Except for the aforementioned replacement, we will process your film without other liability. Recovery for any other accidental or consequential damage is also excluded.

If the client accidentally sends in an unexposed roll, we reserve the right to retain that roll and will compensate the client $5 for each unexposed roll received. When developing, if the roll of 35mm has torn sprockets, there is a chance we will be unable to scan or develop the roll. In these instances, we will reach out to the client. Additionally, because of the limitations of our developers, bulk-loaded rolls that are longer than 38 frames may need to be cut before developing and the client may therefore lose a frame.

Standard and Auto scans will not be rotated, and scanning machines may crop images slightly in scanner. Scans are digitally archived for 60 days. Links for downloads are valid for two weeks. If an order needs to be resent after its expiration, the client may be subject to a $15 reactivation fee.  

Reworks and/or rescans may be subject to additional client payment. Clients have 10 business days from receipt of order to dispute any concerns with billing and 30 days from order receipt to dispute concerns with scans. Invoices are subject to necessary revisions due to client oversight.

Printing size when resampling images may vary depending on the format of the camera and scanning machine used.

All negatives will be cut and sleeved unless otherwise specified. If a roll has overlapping frames, the sleeving department will use their best judgment when cutting negatives, but a portion of the image may be cut. Negatives to be archived are held for three months. Shipping is a flat fee of $10.95 for orders in the CONUS and $15.95 for Alaska/Hawai’i orders. The price for shipping international orders will vary based on weight and location. At this time, we are unable to ship any film and/or negatives to South Africa.

If a mailed package is returned to the lab as undelivered, the client will need to pay a second shipping charge to have the package resent. If for some reason your card is declined or expired when attempting to ship negatives, we will reach out to the client for updated information. However, if we do not receive updated info/payment within 30 days after your 90-day archive period, we reserve the right to discard the negatives.

TheFINDlab is not responsible for third-party companies, such as FedEx, UPS or USPS and any damage/delay to packages being sent to/from us. theFINDlab is not responsible for any damage to property due to fire, flood, or any other Act of God. TheFINDlab is not responsible for film purchases after they have left the lab. If the client opts out of having signature required when film is purchased, theFINDlab is not responsible for any fault or damage in delivery.

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All sales of film and merchandise are final and cannot be returned or exchanged.
For cameras, we offer a 30-day return policy only if the camera is found to be not functioning. To be eligible for a return, the camera must be in its original cosmetic condition, with all packaging and accessories included. Refunds are issued to the original payment method.

Good question! A couple things come to mind. Film education is a HUGE part of what we do at theFINDlab. Whether that means learning a new medium, mastering a medium you already know or gaining some unexpected tips and tricks along the way, theFINDlab is the industry's go-to resource for all things film. We're a lab of photographers with over 150 combined years of experience to add to whatever film knowledge is yours. We're here to help you shoot more film, more often and with more understanding and experience than the last time you were behind the lens. Film knowledge is a living, breathing thing that needs constant nourishment and we're here to share what we know with you. And what's that saying? You're only as good as your weakest image.

Unparalleled customer service is another key part of who we are at theFINDlab. We're not just developing, scanning, editing and sending your orders. A large portion of our team members' interaction with you is answering questions, giving feedback, making suggestions and being available regardless of who you are. Big name shooter? Just starting out? Everyone gets the same care and attention at theFINDlab.

And like we said, we're here to help you shoot more film, more often...did you know that's what FIND stand for? Film Is Not Dead. The more we shoot, the longer film is relevant and can thrive as a photographer's medium of choice. That's also why we were the frontrunner in creating Hybrid Services. We know that shooting all film, all the time isn't a reality for everyone. Helping to transition digital shooters to hybrid photography is one more way film shooting can grow and flourish.

That about sums it education, customer service and keeping film alive. That's what sets theFINDlab apart.

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The main goal at theFINDlab has a lot to do with what makes us different from other labs. Quality, consistent scans are something any lab can offer and we've got that covered! But more than anything else, film education is why we do what we do. There is ALWAYS something to learn about film no matter how long we've been shooting...from discovering a new favorite film stock, to seeing boundaries broken in how we thought film could perform to learning that there may be a better way to do something than how we've been doing it all these years. TheFINDlab is the most reliable, accessible and comprehensive lab for your film education needs.

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The great thing about theFINDlab is that if you are a photographer who shoots, you are the best fit for theFINDlab. Seriously. We've worked hard to provide a comprehensive selection of services for all photographers. Shoot 100% film? Do you shoot mostly weddings? Are you a hybrid shooter? Do you love shooting food? Are you all digital? Are you a hobbyist out to have fun? Then you are the best fit for theFINDlab. You shoot, we deliver.

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Production Closures (Orem location)
2025 Dates : 
Jan 15th - Martin Luther King Day
Feb 19th - President's Day
May 27th - Memorial Day
June 17th - Juneteenth
June 28th - Team Training
Jul 4th - 4th of July
Jul 24th - State Holiday (Provo Location Open)
Sept 2nd - Labor Day (Provo Location Open)
Oct 14th - Indigenous People's Day
Nov 11th - Veterans Day
Nov 27th-29th - Thanksgiving break
Dec 24th-26th - Christmas break
Dec 31st - Jan 1st - New Years

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Our best suggestion is to put your film with the order form in a ziplock bag and ship via the courier of your choice with tracking. We receive packages from FedEx, DHL, UPS, USPS … you name it. USPS has flat rate boxes that are perfectly sized for film orders ranging from a couple rolls to the massive 3-day wedding celebration. The one thing we discourage is the use of packing peanuts, shredded paper, tinfoil, sending the film loosely in a box, or just putting your film in an envelope.

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Once we receive your film, we will send out an email letting you know your film has arrived and the expected due date for all your services. 

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Yes! We do have a dropbox(s) available outside of all locations where you can drop off film 24/7. Please include your order number with your film. For in person drop-off, our hours vary at the Orem location (PRODUCTION) so please call before coming to ensure we have not closed early for the day. Our hours advertised below are strictly followed at our Provo location.

Orem - Monday through Friday 9am-5pm
Provo - Monday through Friday 1pm-6pm
& Saturday 10am-8pm
Salt Lake City - Mon/Tues/Thurs 12pm-6pm

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Yes! We understand that for some orders, it's important to get them back sooner than later. Here's the pricing breakdown:

$5/roll for each day sooner that you'd like it back
- Hybrid is an additional % of the service fee: 4 day - 15%, 3 day - 20%, 2 day - 50%, 1 day - 75%,
same day - 100%

When sending in rolls to be rush, along with rolls with a regular turn around time, please mark which rolls need to be rushed. If rolls aren't marked, we may upgrade all rolls to a rush. 

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We provide three different options when it comes to archiving and shipping negatives to best fit the needs of our clients. Negatives can be archived for 90 days (up to six months for international clients) from the invoice date. After those 90 days, all negatives accumulated during that time are sent to the client. This saves our clients money in shipping costs by cutting down the number of shipments. You are charged a flat fee of $10.95 for CONUS and $15.95 for HI/AK. 

Another option is for us to send out negatives promptly after scanning. We do hold negatives for one week to be prepared for any client questions that require our team to see the negatives or to accommodate any requests for enlargements. Anytime a client places a film order through our film buying program or requests proof prints, negatives are automatically shipped along with those products.

 A third option is for negatives to be destroyed. Oftentimes, clients see no need to hold on to their negatives and we are happy to dispose of them for you.

If for some reason your card is declined or expired, we will do everything in our power to get in touch with you to get updated information. However, if we do not receive updated info/payment within 30 days after your 90 day archive period, we reserve the right to no longer archive your negatives. 

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All film orders will be shipped within 1 business day of being placed. 

Your prints will mailed out approximately 5 business days after you receive your scans. We mail our packages via USPS Priority Mail and prices are $10.95 for domestic shipping. You will receive a shipping invoice with the tracking number once they are shipped.

Negatives can opted to be shipped immediately after scan which means they will ship 5 business days after your receive your scans.  If you opt to have us archive the negatives, they will be shipped around your 90 day archive period. 

If for some reason your card is declined or expired, we will do everything in our power to get in touch with you to get updated information. However, if we do not receive updated info/payment within 30 days after your 90 day archive period, we reserve the right to no longer archive your negatives. 

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Shoot us an email to let us know or give us a call and that would be great as well.

If for some reason your card is declined or expired, we will do everything in our power to get in touch with you to get updated information. However, if we do not receive updated info/payment within 30 days after your 90 day archive period, we reserve the right to no longer archive your negatives. 

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Submitting any film to us for processing, scanning, or printing constitutes an agreement that any loss
or damage to it by our company (theFINDlab), employees or agents, even though by negligence or other fault, will entitle you to only replacement with an equivalent quantity of similar film & processing for that lost or damaged. Except for such replacement, our acceptance of your film is without other liability; and recovery for any incidental or consequential damages is excluded. We are not responsible for any loss, damage,or delay caused by the United States Postal Service, UPS, Fed-X, or other carrier.

While we sell Kodak Super 8 and 16mm film in 100ft" cartridges, we do NOT develop or scan said film.  We highly recommends our friends in Colorado THE NEGATIVE SPACE.  They start at $50/roll for development, 4K scanning, color grading and emailing you the file for Super 8. They are incredible and very good at what they do at a great price!

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All of our B&W film is hand developed which gives us greater control over the final results. We use Xtol because it produces the best quality and consistency for your images. We are also able to customize the chemistry, grain and contrast in how we develop.

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 Yes! Pushing and pulling is something that is done in development and in development only. It is never something that happens in exposure or scanning and cannot be adjusted after the roll has already been developed. The reason one would push/pull is if you under/overexposed your film either intentionally or unintentionally. Pushing increases grain and contrast and is far more common than pulling. We actually don't recommend pulling C-41 film since it can handle quite a bit of overexposure.
Pulling is mostly used for BW films that want to be shot at a lower iso. This will decrease grain and lower contrast, which can be great in some high-speed BW films but is not recommended on C-41 films unless a very specific look is desired. We can push/pull C-41 up to 4 stops and there is no limit for BW. Each stop in either push/pull is $1.

One example of pushing would be shooting Kodak Ektar 100 and metering/rating it at 400 and then telling the lab to push it 2 stops in development.

One example of pulling would be shooting Ilford Delta 3200 and metering/rating it at 400 and then telling the lab to pull it 3 stops development.

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Yes and no. For example, Ektar 100 pushed 2 stops is still 100 ISO film, UNTIL it reaches development where you've instructed us to push it 2 stops. Pushing will allow you to shoot at a higher ISO. To do this, you need to change the ISO of your film in your meter. However, the underexposure MUST be compensated for in development.  You need to keep in mind that pushing doesn't take a dark scene and make it bright.  You will still want to properly light your scene.

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Pushing film affects the highlights and shadows. It makes the whites whiter and blacks blacker. Pushing will not affect your mid-tones. It is still crucial to light your scene and subject. If you're shooting at night and there is no light falling on your scene, pushing your image will only make it darker and may result in no shadow detail at all. If you're shooting right next to a really bright light source, pushing your image will only become brighter and may result in no highlight detail at all.

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Pushing in development and overexposing in camera yield different results. The best thing is for you to experiment and try them both to develop your personal aesthetic. If you're new to film, we recommend first becoming comfortable to the nuances of the film and then introducing the elements of pushing/pulling.

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Yes! We are able to develop E-6 in E-6 chemistry. We also offer cross processing of E-6 film in C-41 chemistry. This process produces vivid colors and high saturations and contrast.

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Most likely the answer is yes. If it is Kodachrome the answer sadly is no, but on the bright side, neither can anyone else in the world :) 

Due to the remjet layer on Seattle Film Works, we recommend sending this film to Rocky Mountain for development.

We do not process souped film, aka film that has been soaked in any liquid prior to development.

We do however develop APS, 110mm, 35mm, 120, 220 and 127mm film in both color and B&W.  We can develop most archival film and process this as black and white to preserve the quality of your negatives. 

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If the roll is developed and is blank, your invoice will be revised to a "develop only service" and your account will be credited the difference. Click here for pricing references (scroll down to Special Services).

If you send in a roll of film that has not been exposed, you have the option of having us buy it back from you for $5 that will be credited to your account.

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Most definitely!  Our pricing for C-41 (color), B&W, & E-6 (slide) can be found here under "Special Services"

Our turn-around time for all C-41 (color) except 4x5 is 1 business day and 3 business days for all B&W, E-6 (slide) and 4x5.

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We use Fuji Frontier SP-3000 and Noritsu HS-1800. The difference between the Noritsu and Frontier scanners is subtle, but important. The Noritsu creates scans with less contrast, or in other words appear “flatter”. Because of this, it markedly retains highlights and handles blown highlights significantly better than the Frontier. For example, a scan of an overexposed image of a bride in her white wedding gown will retain more detail on a Noritsu than it will a Frontier. Our Noritsu scanners have more emphasis in the magenta/green channel. Our Frontiers create more contrast and naturally handle underexposed images better. Our Frontier scanners have more emphasis in the yellow/blue channel.

To see a Frontier and Noritsu comparison click here.

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If you are unsure as to which scanner would best suit your look, when filling out our online order form, under the "Scanner Preference" select "Both" and then choose your scan size. 

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custom editing





Standard BW scans are edited after scanning for dust, consistency for density, are converted to true bw files, includes feedback roll by roll with a 5 business day turnaround time.  Basic B+W does not include any editing after scanning or feedback.  Thus there will be occasional dust, possible inconsistency scan to scan, a possible tint as they are not converted to true bw files, and they are $3 cheaper per roll than Premium B+W, with a 4 business day turnaround.  The best way to view it is Standard B+W is a finished product and Basic B+W might need some post work but are more economical option. Don't want to have to edit?  Standard B+W is your choice. Don't mind having to edit your images and want to save some money? Basic B+W is your choice.

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Our feedback is not directed toward the content of your roll but is technical and gear related. This means we will tell you if your camera is functioning properly. We will talk to you about the technical aspects of metering/rating, color and light of your film for the aesthetic you want. It’s like doing a mini-mentorship for each roll!

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If you receive premium scans then your order will be edited by our team of editors. Once you send in your color preferences, our team of editors will be trained on those to ensure a consistent product. This way you aren’t restricted by our staff’s schedule: family vacations, maternity leave, sick days, etc. We recommend setting up a color profile when sending in your order. You can find a step by step guide for this on our blog.

If you are getting a Basic service, you won't automatically work with the same scanner. However, you can enroll in our Select-A-Tech program where you will be working with the same scanner on every order! It's a one time fee of $25 to enroll and an additional $1 per roll and will be applied to the entire order. Email to enroll!

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Yes. Our Auto Scans which are only scanned on the Noritsu are "straight scans". If you would like them on the Frontier, they are priced the same as STANDARD Scans. To order straight scans, just make a note in your order form. Just to clarify, straight scans have no color or exposure correction. This is only available for C-41 film.

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Auto Scans: 2 business days
Standard: 3 business days
Basic BW/ Premium: 4 business days
Standard BW/E6: 5 business days
Digital Editing only (less than 250 images) : 2 business days
Digital Editing only (250 to 1000 images) 6 days
Digital Editing only (more than 1000 images): 7 business days
Culling adds one business day to a Digital Editing Order.
Hybrid with any Digital: 7 business days
Standard Rescan: 3 business days
Premium Rescan: 5 business days

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When scans are complete, you will then receive an email from WeTransfer with a download link to your images. You will receive your scans on or before the due date by the end of business day. Don't delay! Your download link is only valid for two weeks. If by some chance you do not receive your WeTransfer link within 24 hours of your due date, please check your spam folder and contact the lab immediately! If you would prefer to receive your files via drop box, please make a note on your order form. Any scans that are not downloaded during that time will incur a $15 re-upload fee.

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WeTransfer links are valid for two weeks. If your WeTransfer link has expired but had been received in the last 90 days, we can reactivate that link for $15. However, if your link is more than 90 days old, you must send in your negatives for re-scanning.

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Regular: 120 - 8” on the short side | 35MM - 10" on the long side
Large: 12” on the short side
Ultra: 16” on the short side

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R 2035x3035
L 3647x5444
U 4492x6774
R 2285x3035
L 3647x4847
U 4800x6379

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R 2435x2435
L 3635x3635
U 4760x4760
R 2435x3035
L 3647x4547

R 2035x3035
L 3647x5444
U 4492x6774

If you open up your images in Photoshop, you’ll notice they are 72 dpi but 30×40+ inches. To see the size in inches, you can re-sample them to 300 dpi. The file size is exactly the same and not a web-sized image.

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You asked, we deliver.  Coming March 2025!

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To place an order, please visit  There are no minimum roll requirements and we can ship internationally as well!  

Anyone can purchase film through us! We want to make shooting film as easy as possible. We are able to make buying film economical without charging you any subscription fees. All orders have a flat $10.95 fee in the CONUS. HI/AK are shipped at a flat rate of $15.95. We also ship internationally as well (please visit our site for rates). Film orders are shipped within 24 hours. 

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Film orders are shipped within 24 hours. 

Prints will be mailed out approximately 5 business days after you receive your scans. We mail our packages via USPS Priority Mail and prices are $10.95 for domestic shipping. You will receive a shipping invoice with the tracking number once they are shipped.

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Yes, you can! Just follow the link on our digital services tab on our website to fill out our online order form and submit your files. Then email over your reference images from various lighting situations and we'll take it from there. We will also send over test images throughout the order as it is being edited to make sure communication is clear. Our turnaround time for less than 150 images is two business days and five business days for anything more than 150 images.

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Yes! It’s one of our specialties. TheFINDlab is teamed up with Kirk Mastin and utilizes the Mastin Presets to emulate the characteristics of your film. Our editing team has also done extensive training on C1ick Match profiles to give you the best film emulation possible. We offer hybrid and digital editing on all the film stocks that Mastin and C1ick have to offer, including Mastin's pushed pack and C1ick's monochromatic set. All of C1ick profiles have multiple versions of exposure and pushed ratings along with the choice of the scanner. We work to make your digital files cohesive with your film scans so that there is a seamless flow between the two. Please note that in order for us to match your film and digital, at least one of the rolls needs to be a premium service. We accept your digital files via

While many dedicated hours have been invested into emulating the look of film, film photography will always have incomparable results because of the unique nature of its chemical process. Exact replicas of film may not be perfectly achievable with digital files, however, we can come pretty dang close.

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The simple answer is yes. Just as the chemistry of each film stock is different, the base colors of each preset is different as well. As long as you are comfortable with subtle color deviations, we are happy to accommodate.

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 To save you time and be more efficient, we only work with Lightroom Smart Previews.

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Definitely. Both scanners are available for our hybrid editing service. Depending on your color profile, there may be a scanner that is a better fit for your aesthetic. Our team members will bring this up with you when setting up your color profile.

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You bet! Just send over those images and we can use them as anchors after we receive the film stock information.

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Our editing process includes either Mastin Presets, TAP Profiles, Lightroom or Photoshop. We are the exclusive Mastin Preset editing lab and our team members have received one on one training at the lab from Kirk Mastin himself. We can also apply the editing tools given in Lightroom or Photoshop to match to your film, whether that be working with the surface coloration or in the shadows and highlights/specific color channels. Our editing team utilizes whichever editing tool will produce images that are most reflective of your specific aesthetic and color profile.

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Digital only (250 images or less): 2 business days
Digital only (250 images or less) + Culling : 3 business days
Digital only (251 images or more): 5 business days
Hybrid with any Digital: 7 business days

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All digital orders are subject to client approval. The client will receive sample edits 24-48 hours before an order is due. We will not proceed to finalize the order until samples are approved by the client. Should the order not meet client satisfaction upon completion, clients have 7 business days to request a rework. This rework will be completed within 3 business days of the request. We will not stop reworking an order until a client is satisfied. No refunds will be issued once an order is started. Please note these conditions as orders are sent in for digital editing.

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We recommend starting with a C-41 film that has a lot of latitude and is a mid-speed film like Kodak Portra 400. A great black and white film to start with that has a lot of latitude is Kodak Tri-X 400. Both of these films are readily available and are commonly used. We recommend shooting a few rolls of your chosen film stock before adding in lots of other film stocks. We find several new photographers that shoot one roll each of major film stock at the same time, will commonly get frustrated and not understand their film results. Every film stock has its own nuances and handles each lighting scenario differently. We also recommend getting Basic+ scans so you can receive a little bit of mentoring with each roll. This will include technical and gear related feedback.

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We'd recommend shooting Portra400 or Portra800 with no more than a stop of overexposure, and have your film scanned on the Noritsu. We'd also recommend getting our Premium service. When we scan Standard, we are limited to the ability of the Frontier or Noritsu. When getting Premiums, you'll be working directly with an editor who has the ability to edit your images, light and airy, to get you the look you're going for. 

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They work together but they are two different things. Rating is what film speed you tell your meter you’re shooting. Metering is a technique used to measure the available light for your end exposure.

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