Summer is in full swing here at the lab and we are LOVING all of the work that we’ve been seeing. Whether it’s wedding, editorial, workshop film, personal work, or vacation photos, we have been blown away by all of the creative content to come through our developing, scanning, and editing departments. Below are some of our favorite images that came through the lab during the month of June!

Kylee Yee | Portra 400 | Mamiya 645

Marcelo Norcini | Fuji 400H | Mamiya 6

Melanie Julian | Portra 400 | Pentax 645n

Kristen Kay Photography | Portra 160+1 | Nikon F100

Kelly Sweet Photography | Fuji 400H | Contax 645

Marcelo Norcini | Ektar100 | Mamiya 6

Alexandra Meseke Photography | Portra 800 | Contax 645