Thank you!

This summer has been a busy one, and we wouldn’t have it any other way! We have loved seeing so many beautiful images come through the lab. Here are some of our favorites from the month of August:

Each year as the summer starts to wind down, we like to pick an evening to celebrate a successful busy season and spend some quality time together as a company and with our families. This year we celebrated at a local floating water park! We love to share what goes on behind-the-scenes with our clients from time […]

Before you begin, make sure that your camera has double exposure capabilities. Some cameras can shoot double exposures, some can’t. Just reference your camera manual (you can google it if you don’t have a hard copy!) to see if your camera model has double exposure settings and to read detailed instructions on how to use […]

We’re excited to feature our top 9 images (images that had the most likes for 2016) from our Instagram account! Remember to hashtag #thefindlab in the caption or comments of your images we processed for the chance to get featured on our account. Now go follow these awesome photographers on IG!

This year we decided to do something a little different for our holiday party…a company wide retreat to DISNEYLAND! Our team is spread across the country with remote editors in multiple states, so this was especially fun for us to all be together in one place. Below are some photos of our 72 hours in the happiest […]

When people hear that I shoot film on old cameras for all my family sessions I get a lotta raised eyebrows, mostly from digital shooters who come home from family sessions with hundreds, if not thousands of images. Let’s talk about the things peeps are thinking behind those sky-high brows and my top tips for […]